Thank you for your interest in the Short Sale Negotiating Specialist training program. We can help America recover with Short Sales by training real estate agents how to successfully close nearly every Short Sale. If you want information about the benefits of the program, and the no cost overview webinar of the details of the program, please go to If you are ready to get started with the training, you have come to the right place. The course starts with an electronic copy of Create A Short Sale, Your Guide Through the Short Sale Maze the book endorsed by the Council of Residential Specialists (CRS) of the National Association of Realtors. Reading the book first gives you a background in the concepts, procedures and major issues of Short Sales, so you can get more out of the webinars. Then, the training proceeds to five webinars that are each one hour in length. The training is finished with a one hour consultation to review difficult issues and provide clarity to areas where there are questions. The webinars are Short Sale 101: Starting A Short Sale from the Listing and Understanding Major Issues Short Sale 201: The Short Sale Package for Maximum Negotiating Power. Short Sale 301: Negotiating To Approval, Terms of Approval and Dealing with Delay & Disapproval Short Sale 401: Negotiating Issues: Impasse, Multiple Liens, BPOs and Win-win Short Sale 501: Major Themes: Commissions, Investors, Foreclosures & Structuring Your Team Short Sale 601: Review, Clarification and Certification To Be Sure You Are Fully Trained Graduation from the course entitles you to the Short Sale Negotiating Specialist Designation. You will also be placed on Short Sale Negotiating Specialist website to show your qualification and make you available to sellers, buyers and lenders who need your expertise. The cost of the training, designation and website participation is $299. The training is open to real estate agents, their team members and Virtual Assistants. To sign up to become a Short Sale Negotiating Specialist, click on the Register Now button below and you will be directed through the registration process.
Money Back Guarantee If you take the class and do not feel it gave you new skills to close more short sales, your tuition will be cheerfully refunded. Questions If you have any questions, please email . Thank you for your interest in helping America recover with short sales. |